Friday 26 August 2011

Mesmerizing Obama

Mesmerizing Obama

In a recent offering in The Christian Post, Friday June 6, 2008 under "Black Ministers Watching their Words on Obama" AP Writer Dionne Walker said "It's a historical time for black people; we cannot ignore what's going on."

No one would expect the black community to ignore what is going on, we would only hope that they would look deeper into the reasons for supporting Sen. Obama, beyond the fact that he is an African American.

If they can ignore, refusing to pledge to the flag, associations with racist pastors, support for abortions and gay marriages and a wife who takes no pride in her own country then all you have left is the fact Mr. Obama is a black American. It is indeed something to be proud of considering America's history but hardly anything to be guided by.

Widely known ministers are not immune to the snowballing popularity of Sen.

Obama. TV Evangelist TD Jakes has jumped onboard the B.O. train with tacit support and strong affirmations that will no doubt remove doubt from those who are straddling the fence on the candidates.

Pastor Clenard Childress leader of New Jersey based L.E.A.R.N. Northeast is shocked and deeply saddened by Jakes reaction to Obama's clinching the democratic nomination and said "the man Time Magazine and CNN once referred to as "America's Best Preacher," is showing that biblical moral values are not his top priority." Childress also said "it will be difficult for Jakes to preach biblical moral values to his church members now that he has aligned himself with a politician who has no problem with abortion and homosexuality. One News Now, June 6, 2008. Pastor Clenard is himself an African American minister.

Ministers have to tread lightly when it comes to endorsing candidates because of IRS non-profit 501-C issues but that has not gone very far in this heated election to curb name dropping, public congratulating and innuendo. Traditionally black churches have yielded time, funds and pulpits to political candidates more than the white churches but the separation of church and state issues have boiled to the top in recent years but never more than in this election.

One blogger responded to the Christian Post article by saying he was an African American but would not let his decision be guided by anything but Obama's record and what he stands for. It was Obama's stand and his record that convinced this black voter to look elsewhere. We can hope for more of this kind of discernment but so far it is more the exception that makes the rule than anything else.

It is hard for some believers and almost all non-believers to understand that moral decline and prophetic fulfillment grow in equal and direct proportion to each other. As the moral bar is lowered the prophetic bar is raised. More scripture warnings and promises are being fulfilled in America than at any time in the past 100 years.

Although it is an unpleasant aspect of the bible the promises of an apostate church are inevitable as the time of the antichrist approaches. It is called "the falling away" (2Th 2:3) in more conventional terms it is the "social gospel." Concern for the environment, aids in Africa and the plight of the poor are socially acceptable causes and can be engaged without calling individuals to personal responsibility and repentance.

The ancient prophet Daniel said more about the second coming of Christ than almost all the prophets put together. He warned that in a time when knowledge was greatly increased and world travel was a common experience around the globe that lines would be drawn. The wicked would do worse than ever before and the faithful would be stronger than ever before. Those lines are becoming increasingly apparent in America.

The book of Revelation which was given to the Apostle John by Christ himself during Johns forced stay on the island of Patmos reiterates Daniels warning. Christ said "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still." (Rev 22:11)

More than at any time in history the emphasis on the gospel message is now prophetic in nature. Although the love of Christ can never be eliminated from the message the warning and call to repentance becomes the main thrust of the message as the judgment and the second coming of Christ approaches. Those emphasizing this hard aspect of the gospel will not be well received and fewer people will respond; but that too is prophetic.

The meteoric rise of an inexperienced Senator from Illinois who represents the opposite of everything the founders of this country first brought forth is sad but it is prophecy fully underway.

America should take warning from the well used adage "take heed what you ask for because you just might get it."

Rev Bresciani is the author of two Christian books one that is entirely on the second coming of Christ. He is a contributing columnist for several online news and commentary sites. His articles are read throughout the world. Please enjoy a visit to

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